Fulfil your wishes with a smile
Hi Everybody, We, Wish-VAS Enterprises come to you with both way benefit policy with a concept of “Earn from Expenditure”. Area of Work: We purchase our daily needs / appliances / gadgets etc. from nearby stores / shopping malls or online stores like Amazon and Flipkart etc. From Wish-VAS Enterprises, through its various channels, provide its recommendations for the best place to buy from on a discounted / special price. Loss in conventional Shopping: Generally, we don’t get any discount / cashback while purchasing from nearby stores. We have to purchase at MRP. Whereas we will be getting 2%-3% at shopping malls. We may get additional 2% or 3% when we shop from e-commerce sites. But we can get more discount or best price than that. What do we offer? : 1. We provide you links for wide range of products with highest discounts direct from manufacturers, with free home delivery facility. There may be minimum billing amount starting from as low as Rs. 299...